Boulder, Colorado based photographer bringing a bold look to portraits, product, and projects.

Small Group Studio Workshop
Studio Lighting Technique and Practice.
Work with an experienced professional model and instructor to understand how to create stunning studio images while controlling your camera and lighting.
Walk away with several very unique images to build your photographic portfolio.
Maximum of 5 photographers in this workshop to insure plenty of individual attention.
December 18th Seidel City, Boulder Colorado
Each photographer will have the opportunity to work extensively with a professional model in at least 4 completely different styles and work with directing the model through their portion of the shoot.
Camera topics will include:
Setting up the camera for shooting manual and gaining the most control over your images.
Understand the balance between Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO and when to consider each as the more critical function.
How to create selective focus in camera and controlling Depth of Field
Workshop Overview
2 PM High Key Lighting
Multiple lights and lifting the model off a blow out background. We may mix in reflective surface too.
1:30 Single Light
Photographers will be creating dramatic images with just one light source. Head shot of full body - photographers choice.
1 PM - Intro & Preview
Workshop preview from studio light and camera set up to how to work with the model.
2 :30 PM Low Key Lighting
Black background, minimal light to delicately spreading the light on the model to capture form and contour.
3 PM Mixed Lighting
Using multiple lights to capture depth, color and drama. Incorporate some of the previous techniques.
3 :30 PM Review and discuss
Review the shot including any Q&A. Discuss "Post Process" - how you might 'finish' the images with edits, etc.
Camera Requirements / Investment
Camera must have a "hot shoe" on top to accept the remote trigger for the studio strobes.
Cameras should be able to be set in MANUAL mode to control all the variables.
$300 includes model fees, model waiver, workbook and post process instructional video.